Friday, September 2, 2016

What I'm learning so far

What I'm learning is how to make a website using google sites. Google sites is a good and easy way to make a website, its so simple to create and edit and choose a theme for your website.

Image result for google sites

I'm also learning about how to use different kinds of computer software for example: Mac OS X 10.4/10.5/10.6/10.7/10.8/10.9/10.10/10.11 and Windows 7/8/8.1/10.
Image result for windows 7             Image result for windows 8

Image result for windows 8.1      Image result for windows 10

Image result for mac os x 10.4      Image result for mac os x 10.5
Image result for mac os x 10.6    Image result for mac os x 10.7
Image result for mac os x 10.8         Image result for mac os x 10.9
Image result for mac os x 10.11
Image result for mac os x 10.10               
there are all of things that I am learning so far.


  1. Hello I see that you are talking about computers. What kind of computers do you use and if you use a custom computer can you tell me the specs. BTW I'm from California and I have a PC with a Nvidia 970 i5 6600k my name is Anthony and if you want to read some of my rants go to my website.


    1. I use Macs and PC's my best PC right now has a AMD Quad-core processor with 16GB of RAM and 5 500Gb Hard drives running Windows 7

      My current mac is on El Capitan (10.11) and the specs on that are: 2007 15' Macbook Pro with a Intel core 2-duo processor with 4GB of RAM and a 250GB Hard drive
